Welcome to FamilyLife Network!

FamilyLife Network (formerly TryLife Center) is a faith-based, life-affirming nonprofit serving families in the Alle-Kiski Valley area and beyond. Click here to read more about our recent name change!

Our Vision

Bright futures for families

Our Mission

Providing holistic services to positively impact families with our values

Our Values

Faith: We are committed to sharing the love of Christ through faith in action by serving families in our community.

Family: We believe that families are the building blocks of society and strive to build thriving, healthy families through our programs.

Dignity: We celebrate the inherent and equal value of every human life, from conception to natural death. We are committed to fostering an environment where our clients, volunteers, funders, and staff are seen, heard, valued, respected, and especially loved.

Community: We believe that a community’s most precious asset is the health of its families. We seek to complement existing resources and collaborate with other agencies and partners in our community to benefit local families.

Quality: We provide better and brighter tomorrows for those we serve by continually evaluating and improving our programs. We use a data-driven approach and aim to deliver evidence-based information and services wherever possible.

Stewardship: We hold ourselves to the highest standards of practice and carry out our mission and responsibilities in an effective, ethical, and transparent manner. We are upfront and honest about the services we do and do not provide within our programs.

Our Programs


(formerly referred to as the “Main Program” or the “Parent & Baby Program”)

Origins Vision
Support for every parent

Origins Mission
Empowering parents through supportive care and education

Services Provided
Pregnancy, parenting, and life skills support & education
Material assistance
Community referrals
Free childcare during onsite programming


(formerly referred to as “TLC Clinic”)

Check out our new website! We currently provide free pregnancy tests, limited obstetric ultrasounds., and informational and support services.

Disclaimer: Insight Medical Clinic does not perform or refer for pregnancy terminations.

Our History

Our organization, founded by Lois Weidner, began in 1997 as Tri-City Life Center, Inc. with a small office in New Kensington. We started by supporting young pregnant women who were facing unplanned pregnancies. Our staff helped them work through issues such as unsupportive partners, pressure from family members, and uncertainty about the future.

We later began doing business as TryLife Center as we expanded into our current building on Wildlife Lodge Road. This space enables us to provide vast material assistance to our clients. We also expanded our reach, serving both moms and dads with children up to three years of age. In 2018, we added limited medical services.

In 2023, the Board of Directors decided to revitalize to better position the organization for a sustainable future. We restructured into a parent organization (FamilyLife Network, Inc.) with our programs separated out underneath the umbrella of the parent organization. This structure will not only allow for more autonomy within our programs, it will enable us to grow and add new programs in the future!  Click here to read a FAQ about the revitalization process.



FamilyLife Network (formerly Tri-City Life Center, Inc.) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Updating our name with government entities takes time, and you may temporarily still see us show up as Tri-City Life Center, Inc. on certain documents or websites.



We are affiliated with:

Click here to download our most recent annual report.